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100 ° Celsius is equal to 212° Fahrenheit.
How to convert 100 C to F?
Converting 100 deg C to F involves the use of the formula F = C x (9/5) + 32. You first multiply the Celsius temperature by 9, then divide the result by 5, and finally you add 32. Here is a step-by-step comprehensive description of the formula, applied to 100 deg C to F.
Therefore, if we want to know what temperature is 100 celsius to fahrenheit we apply the mathematical formula as °F = 100 x (9/5) + 32.
- Given that C = 100
- F = 100 x (9/5) + 32
- F = 180 + 32
- F = 212
The conversion of 100 degrees Celsius to Fahrenheit is equivalent to 356 °F, or 1/4 Gas Mark.
You can learn more on this in my full oven temperature conversion guide. There you will also find a comprehensive conversion chart and a free calculator.
An oven temperature of 100 degrees Celsius is a low temperature equals to 212 °F. Although not suitable for baking cookies or cakes, at 100c to f 212 you can bake meringues, dehydrate fruits, incubate homemade yogurt for a high protein breakfast, or proof bread dough.