325 Fahrenheit is equal to 162 Celsius
How can I convert 325 F to C?
When you want to calculate 325 Fahrenheit to Celsius, you start by subtracting 32 from the initial Fahrenheit temperature, then multiply the result by 5, and finally divide by 9. Here's a step-by-step description of our temperature conversion formula:
In this case, we want to convert 325 degrees F to C. So, we should apply the formula up here and use the expression as C = (325 - 32) x 5/9.
- Given that F = 325
- C = 293 x 5
- C = 1465 / 9
- C = 162
The 325 Fahrenheit to Celsius oven conversion is equivalent to 162 °C, or Gas Mark 3 in a gas oven.
If you're eager to learn more about oven conversions, here's the link to our detailed oven temperature conversion guide. There you will find a conversion chart and a free calculator.
Knowing that 325 deg F to C is equal to 162 Celsius can be useful for recipes that require low medium temperatures such as pound cakes, cheesecakes and custards. At 325 Fahrenheit, desserts are less likely to burn.